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My Series 1 R33 GTR V-SPEC

Series 1 R33 GTR VSPEC

Well gosh how did this happen. After 5 years owning the Mustang and being away from Japanese cars I decided to go and get a car thats been on my wish list for a long long time. Should have searched properly back when the MR2 was on its last legs but i did not and thus it has taken til now to get one and even now I still wonder what have I done.

So how did this happen ?

So yeah after much thinking and general boring the pants off a few people talking about it i finally took the hit and went out and got an R33 GTR. Why the R33? Problem is I've always preferred the shape of the R33 to the 32 or the 34, just the lines of it esp around the rear cluster, nice balanced symmetrical rear end.. Tis true. Colour wise I wasn't too bothered but then i had the option of a red Series 3 which for various reasons I did not take on. However, while looking at different sites and generally wonder if this was such a good idea i did at least confirm that a red R33 was not for me. Silver seemed nice and there were a few about just out of range really. Oh and a Midnight Purple one..... That would have been pretty damned good... Popular colour, hugely popular to the point of a few ££££ premium on top of the already extensive GTR premium that exists. So yeah i got one and here we go again with mods (not that I plan on doing much) and little tweaks to make it mine.

Fixing Faults
No skooshers |

Anyway, please browse the menu above for my stories of living with this car. Any comments are welcome, just email me from the link on the home page, cheers.