Last modified 07 July, 2023

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So yeah journey in the car coming back home and naturally got bugs on the windscreen and pulled on the lever for the screen wash. Bad choice. Not a lot happened other than the wipers smearing the windscreen with the bugs and crap and whatnot and the merest hint of splash of water on the trim in of the windscreen. Well gosh, not a great start. Got home so figured right lets have a poke around in the washer jets see what's happening. Cue me stabbing them a pin and cue naff all really happening every time I pulled on the washer stalk. So... quick call to Jaffa and he's like yeah drop by and we can check the jets but not going to be about for long to do any looking at it. So turns out jets are fine and clear though i might have broken the one way valves ooooppps though it does mean looking suspiciously at the washer pumps and pipe work.

As the washer jets were still off the car and pipes sticking up through the bonnet holes and we quickly established that flow through those pipes was at best rubbish bordering on nothing but what we did get was this.

gunk on bonnet from washer pipes

So what in the world is that crud that came out of the pipe and landed on the bonnet?? That got washed off pretty toot sweet let me tell you. So first things first, get the washer bottle out of the car and pour it out. Righto, where's that toolkit ? I must confess i didn't take pictures of the washer bottle in place but I'm sure you get the idea, here is one of the bottle sitting on the patio.
washer bottle out

what is this crap / gunk / yuk in the bottle
gunk / slim in washer bottle

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So, you can see the washer pumps are different colours and the water pipes in the car also are marked, a green stripe for the.. you guessed it the green pump outlet. After tipping the contents of the bottle into the toilet bowl I was left with the issue of how do i clean this out properly as I need to run the pumps to clear them out as well. So, remembering I had the 12Volt adaptor and auxiliary cabling plus the 240v>12VDC convertor I had a plan. After checking the polarity of the connectors on the car which isn't so easy to do with one pair of hands, i came up with this holder mechanism
checking for live, Blue stripe is live I think
balancing multimeter on bonnet

Pulling on the washer stalk inside and noting whether the value was +12VDC or -12VDC which would tell me if i had the probes right way round. I'll be honest I didn't get it right first time so the picture above with the Earth probe in the blue stripe, might be correct or the wrong way round. Check it, it's one or the other. So half a washer bottle of medium temperature water mixed with some washing up liquid and then hooked up the power and tapped the front pump connectors. To say I somewhat taken aback is an understatement. Once the pump was tapped a few times with the power (didn't want to burn it out) it was finally clear of the crap in it's inlet and boom it fired that water out! The rear pump, green connector got the same treatment but because of the shape of the bottle it fired out the water into the housing which then soaked me! To give you an idea how powerful these things are, here's a pic after i'd run a couple of bottles worth through the pumps
checking for live, Blue stripe is live I think

So after all that i hooked everything back up and powered the pumps using the mains adaptor not the car battery and... nothing. So took the pipes off the washer nozzles and then thought how do I rig this up so I dont wash the garage floor and / or get the car covered in whatever gunk is in the washer feed pipes. Behold I came up with this
extension tubing for the washer pipes, metal drinking straw and some washer tubing frmo halfords

Doesn't have to be pretty if it is not staying on the car. So with the metal straw pushed into the rubber car washer hose at windscreen side and the extension tubing running into a bucket I was free to fire the pumps and clear the tubing which thankfully it did fairly quickly. I did both front washers and the rear washer and then hooked it all back up properly and all is good. Even my guesstimate for aim of the jets was pretty good with just minor adjustment needed.
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